
A comprehensive, school-based approach to bullying prevention and intervention

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The Anti-Bullying Handbook, written by Dr. Keith Sullivan in New Zealand, provides a comprehensive overview of the key issues in bullying, and extensive information on bullying prevention and intervention. Published in 2000, the book focuses on four goals, as summarized by Sullivan in the introduction: (1) summarizing current knowledge about bullying, (2) providing guidance to schools for implementing and evaluating effective anti-bullying efforts, (3) providing recommendations regarding effective anti-bullying programs and (4) supporting a “culture of problem-solving”.

To this end, Sullivan organizes the book into four sections. The first section is an overview of the phenomenon of bullying in schools today, the roles and dynamics in bullying situations, and different forms bullying behavior can take. The second section focuses on a whole school approach to tackling bullying, outlining how school policy, planning and philosophy can influence bullying in school. The third section focuses on strategies teachers and schools can put in place to hinder bullying, and the final section introduces five anti-bullying approaches that have been implemented to some success around the world.

 Sullivan, K. (2000). The Anti-Bullying Handbook. New York; Auckland, N.Z: Oxford University Press.