
A curriculum for teaching non-violence to children

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compassionate classroom

The Compassionate Classroom, written by Sura Hart and Victoria Kindle Hodson, provides a curriculum and tools for teaching nonviolent communication to elementary students. Published in 2004, the book describes a relationship-centered classroom model that aims to reduce conflict and improve trust, cooperation, mindfulness and peaceful communication in the classroom.

Organized into two sections, the first part of the book introduces the theories and principles behind the model, and the four types of relationships in play within a classroom. The second part of the book presents the curriculum and tools for teaching nonviolent skillsets and creating the compassionate classroom, and includes exercises, activities and charts that teachers can use in their practice.

Hart, S., & Kindle Hodson, V. (2004). The compassionate classroom: Relationship based teaching and learning. Chicago; Encinitas: Puddledancer Press.