
An overview of the research on resilience in children

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This article, published in Education Canada in 2010, is a short and easy read summarizing the research on resilience in children, and is written by Dr. Ann Masten, a University Professor in the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota and one of the key researchers in resilience. Resilience is the ability to recover, perform, and thrive despite adversity. This article organizes important information about resilience under five “lessons” learned from research: (1) Resilience is common, (2) It is important to measure and study positive resources, processes and outcomes, (3) Resilience is “ordinary magic”, (4) Resilience can be promoted and (5) Resilience is a positive framework for intervention that is effective and appealing to stakeholders. A shortlist of factors and assets that promote resilience is provided, and the writer also shares (high-level) suggestions on how to promote resilience in children.

Citation: Masten, A. (2009) Ordinary magic: Lessons from research on resilience in human development, Education Canada, 9(3), retrieved on July 7th from