
Building social and emotional skills for children, teachers and parents: The Incredible Years Series

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The Incredible Years Series was developed by Carolyn Webster-Stratton in Seattle, Washington in the United States, and consists of three interlocking curricula for children, teachers and parents.

The child training program focuses on developing social and emotional competencies such as emotional literacy, emotion regulation, problem solving, and building positive relationships. Puppets and videos are used to teach the concepts in the lessons, which are followed by an activity for the children to complete at home with caregivers or parents.

The teacher-training program is a six-day workshop that focuses on helping educators to develop effective classroom management skills and proactive teaching strategies, as well as supporting teachers in teaching emotional and social skills, and in building positive student-teacher relationships. There is also a parent training component for parents with children of ages 0‐12 years.

Research has shown positive student outcomes for the Incredible Years program, including increased positive social behavior, enhanced social and emotional skills, and decreased conduct problems. Furthermore, the Incredible Years program is recognized by CASEL as a “SELect” program, by the Canadian Best Practices Portal as a “best practice” program, and by Blueprints as a “promising” program.