
Fostering Self-Regulation and Cooperation at School: Getting Along Together

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Getting Along Together is an elementary school program developed by the Success for All Foundation, Harvard University, and the University of Michigan. It is focused on building social and emotional skills through cognitive skills, emotional self-regulation, and cooperative relationships. This program is implemented school-wide, beginning with daily lessons in the first two weeks, then weekly lessons throughout the remainder of the school year. Following formal instruction, students are given the opportunity to discuss and practice these skills in groups, and provide encouragement and feedback to peers. Teachers receive one full day of on-site training followed by four virtual lessons throughout the school year. Additional resources are available for parents and school support staff.

Getting Along Together is listed as a SELect program on the CASEL guide, which reports positive evaluation outcomes in the domains of attentive and impulsive behavior in kindergarten students, and lower hostile attribution bias in third grade students. However, kindergarten students demonstrated poorer performance on a working memory test, but did not find this effect in first or second grade students.

Evaluation data from (as reported on CASEL website):  Jacob, R., Jones, S., Morrison, F. (2013). Evaluating the Impact of a Self-Regulation Intervention (SECURe) on Self-Regulation and Achievement. Unpublished Manuscript.